Leaving a lit candle in the windows of the homes of soldiers who are deployed has a long, rich history

The Story Of The Forge Candle

The idea of the Forge candle and lantern is recently borrowed from the USMC (but they borrowed the idea from other cultures).

Historically a candle was placed in the window of the home to light the way home for soldiers.

It’s a tradition that has roots in many cultures, and in our country as far back as The War of Independence. Many colonial families placed a candle in the window for their loved ones return. Communication was unreliable at best. Many times, it was unknown a loved one’s whereabouts, much less when and if they would be returning home.  The candle provided a beacon (especially during bad weather).

There was also the sentiment that the candle’s flame represented the sentiment that the person was loved, missed, and held in the family’s thoughts and prayers. Many Revolutionary War families would keep a candle lit in the window every night that their soldier was gone. Families who lost their loved ones kept the light lit every night in remembrance of their loved one who would never be returning home.

Today, Army families and loved ones use it as our Trainees go off to The Forge, and keep it lit while they are in this final test to certify their journey and start their career as soldiers.

Of course, lighting the candle/lantern does not in reality help them get through the final test. But it does remind us at home to pray, keep them in our thoughts, and reminds us how long this test actually is.

Modern day candles and lanterns are remembrance tools for the families at home, not gifts for trainees.

Whether you create your own candle/lantern or purchase a custom one already created for you, enjoy your candle/item and know that your trainee's Army career is about to begin!

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What a wonderful way to support our loved ones. I bought candles for my family and his girlfriend so we can send virtual moral support for our SIT


I love this idea

Misty Gabriel

Thank you for the kind words Mark!
It is our intent to share information, history. To supply hope and encouragement to military families.
Have a great day! HOORAH!

Tami Cocuzzi

To read this. It Gives Hope, Courage, and is an Inspiration to Follow and support your knowing there’s still empathy, And Compassion stillnleft in this World. It’s Words of encouragement which we all need Daily. Thank you for Sharing this. I’ll definitely be posting a Candle in My window. God bless and thank you.

Mark Zayas

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